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DōTERRA Diamond Leader & AromaTouch Technique Trainer

WomanSpeak Circle Leader

Hi, I'm Chantal Roelofs.

I'm a mother, wife, dōTERRA Diamond Leader, AromaTouch Technique Trainer, WomanSpeak circle leader, mentor, and most importantly, myself. I love working with motivated people who have experienced a lot of life and are perhaps looking for a new sense of self, values, or priorities so they can achieve on-purpose changes and satisfaction in their lives.

I love helping people create their own feelings of fulfilment, ease and joy in their career, life and business. I absolutely love food and love the idea of feeling nourished in life. However, I haven’t always felt this nourished though. My life has gone through some big stages of finding self belief, finding what made my heart swell (and what I was really good at), continuing a self inquiry process and fine tuning my decisions based on my need for freedom, alignment to my purpose and finding deep connections with others.

And its ongoing…


My life and career have been a series of stepping stones taking me closer to "my authentic self".

I continue my journey to express myself in work, in family, in my friendships – and this is always evolving as I learn more about myself.


My journey... so far...

I have always had very strong gut feelings about things in life, and I have learnt to trust that feeling – that intuition – to lead me to make the right choices for me, my life and my family.  If something doesn’t feel right – I have to do something about that.  And fast.

"I can get what I want - I just need to set my sights on that goal."

I grew up in Adelaide – loved to sew and cook with mum, and go fishing with dad. I was a very anxious teen and early adult – and so unsure of myself and the world. I needed to find myself.  (These feelings of anxiety, self scrutiny and feeling inadequate were a huge part of my life – probably into my 30s).

After starting an economics degree (following a friend who had enrolled in that course) and having the realisation “this is so not me – I can’t do this for the rest of my life” in the second term of it, I redirected into a degree that “made sense” to me.  I went back to geography and science subjects that I knew I was naturally good at, but had no idea of the career direction for me. So I became a marine scientist at uni in Adelaide, with honours from James Cook University. After being told that only about 1-2 percent of my university class would find work in the field, I immediately thought “that’s me – I am in that percentage“.  I was right.

"I need to work with people and groups to work out ways to achieve their vision."

I got that marine science job in North Queensland and met my “to be husband” that first day on the job.  Fast forward another 8 years as a seagrass researcher – I found that my heart was more in working with people who cared about their environment. I needed to get out of research and into working more with people. A change in jobs was on the cards. Luckily, I won a much coveted role with the National Oceans Office – and in that job found out how much I enjoyed working with Aboriginal people with strong  visions for how they wanted to manage their coastal country and their sea country. It was an innovative planning process – and I had a bit of space to develop my way of working, and ways of supporting people. However – after 3 years – I needed to get out of travelling, out of government and away from politicised processes.  Enter my first life coach….and it was a life altering, mindset changing time – one that I will be grateful for, forever.

"I love to work with people, but I need to put myself and my needs first."

I had the absolute honour for working with the 18 Rainforest Aboriginal Groups in cultural heritage mapping, and developed a cultural heritage listing process. This was a massive project, and I took great care in setting up the right, respectful processes about doing the work. I travelled to communities and for the first 6 months – just listened. This was my scoping and building trust time.  I had no opinions how that project was going to unfold…it all came from the communities. From the ground up. With that approach,  huge goals were met in training, mapping, meeting cultural protocols, and listing and protecting cultural values in a very short time.  My ability to connect, develop rapport, relationships and trust, do the work in a respectful way, and get results was really tested. I loved it, and thrived in this environment. However, with the project coming to an end, I needed to put myself first, slow down to have a family.

"I am a fiercely passionate, intuitive and protective mother - protecting my babes, myself and my time."

Finally falling pregnant, after many miscarriages made pregnancy a very sacred time for me. I believe stress (that I would put on myself – and the intensity with which I would work) was a huge contributor, and also found answers with a naturopath – who found that I was hypoglycaemic. I needed to stay away from any processed foods (flours, sugars etc) and eat a whole foods diet. My diet was overhauled to eat very healthily, lots of juices and Chinese and herbal supplements. I had an excellent pregnancy – no morning sickness,  I researched natural birthing and stumbled across “hypo-birthing” – providing excellent information about the physiological process of birthing and easy, logical, practical techniques in visualisation and breathing. I have now had 2 natural (hypno-) births, both with 2 hour labours using breath and going inward. Basically the deepest meditation experience I will ever have. Ever. I loved the intense, focussed, empowering time of natural birthing. I now find that same feeling of intense inward focus through hot yoga – ahhh breathe through that posture!

"I am a fiercely passionate, intuitive and protective mother - protecting my babes, myself and my time."

My time as a new mother was expansive. I found attachment parenting was for me. I avoided the traditional mothers groups, in favour of like minded individuals, to avoid conversations around routine and control crying (and other fear based topics), which I found to be quite alarming to my strongly intuitive style of parenting. Thinking I would get back to work at some point – I couldn’t face going back to a work place. Time at home with little S, breastfeeding on demand, and flexible hours were so precious to me – my new priorities. So I established myself as a consultant in planning, writing, and community engagement. If I did  need to go to meet with groups, communities, community leaders (like the Mayor of Cairns), I would take S everywhere and she was breastfed whenever she needed it. Even if I was in the middle of  a presentation to 20 community leaders. Not a problem!! Just grab me a chair please.

"I work with my natural strengths of connecting deeply with people, aligning values wth action, and getting results."

... Enter a new career of "Coaching" into my life, and a special young woman named Jessie Reimers ...

My dōTERRA Story.

It was early 2015 when I met Jessie Reimers (Get a Fresh Start) - a woman with a truckload of integrity when it comes to researching and supporting companies “doing the right thing” (think of a 25 year old Erin Brocovich...that is how intensely and fiercely she will go after corporations not doing things in the best interest of the population). After talking with Jessie about dōTERRA Essential Oils, and doing my own research, I was impressed with what I found out and I signed up to be a Wellness Advocate to support people in finding out for themselves how they can involve these plant essences to enhance their lives and wellbeing.

It has now been just over 4 years since beginning my dōTERRA journey and, boy, has it changed my life. Not only am I living my dream life - working my own hours from home, with my girls... but I have also reached the position of Diamond Leader.

I now have abundance in my life I have never had before, including both financial and time abundance which allows me to pursue passion, heart-centred projects. Something that I would not have even considered a possibility a few years ago!

​... Enter WomanSpeak into my life...
